Monday, April 23, 2012

More than a Mommy's Girl

This morning John made pancakes, and one big pancake and one little pancake stuck together.  He gave it to me, saying "This is like you and Helena - attached at the hip."  Helena is definitely a Mommy's girl much of the time, and I don't mind.  

But she's not only interested in her mom.  A few days ago I came across her looking at this card that her grandma sent to us.

Each square is a picture of one of Helena's many facial expressions - she has a lot of them.  She was looking at the pictures and giggling and giggling!

So I got closer and saw who she was looking at.  Her dad!  Or the half of his face that was in the photo.

Yeah, she likes her mom a lot, but she likes her dad a lot too.

1 comment:

Charlotte and John said...

That's really nice.

