Friday, May 4, 2012

Education Update

John has officially finished his Ph.D. coursework. 

 That means he won't be a student in a class again ever (or as John says, for a long time).  This is after 21 years of sitting in a classroom!

Alright John!

So, what's next?  He has only two simple tasks left:

1) Pass his comprehensive exams. 
2) Write his dissertation.

At the beginning of 2013, he will take 4 exams on subjects that he has studied.  For each exam, he is responsible for knowing everything he has already learned on the subject plus another year's worth of studying the subject.  Thus, for the next 8 months he will be studying and learning a lot. 

He will also be writing his dissertation during this time.  It needs to be turned in to his readers by November 2014 in order to graduate in the Spring 2015.  Here's a very basic description of what it will be about:

It's about using the Septuagint (The Greek translation of the Old Testament) as a witness for textual criticism (determining what the original words were) of the Old Testament.

But all that is in the future...right now we're celebrating that he's done with classes!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, John! We are so proud of you! Love, Bonnie and Clyde

Mom said...

Hurray John Boy!! I am so proud of and happy for you. :) I love you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, John!


Sonia said...

Congratulations John!! I am inspired by all your hard work! Way to go!

The Werners said...

Congratulations John!! And way to go Charlotte, super wife.