Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Great Trip

Helena & I had a wonderful trip while John was in Israel.  I honestly couldn't ask for a better trip.  We had a great time with John's mom with lots of other family members thrown in at various times, we had a fun time in Bemidji, and we ended our trip with 3 relaxing yet full days with my friend Mandy & her fam.  I was ready to get home to see John & not be a single parent anymore but I do wish the trip could have gone on because it was so good.

Visiting Chickens at Grandma's friends' house

All the cousins traveled to Grandma's house for a big picture party one day.  Lots of good pictures were taken and lots of fun was had!

Visiting Mutti in the nursing home - pushing a wheelchair is like pushing a stroller :)

The big highlight of Bemidji was fishing!  Uncle Rob and Papa helped us catch lots of fish.


She loves to kiss so why not kiss a fish?

Papa & Uncle Rob made Nani & Helena's mom kiss fish since we made Helena kiss a fish :)

They also made me pretend to kiss Rob's big catch.  I swear that fish stuck his tongue out at me.

Pizza and Play in the Park with Kay :)

Tea Party before we left - there was real food!  It just hadn't been served when I took the photo.

Watering flowers & a mini watering can were both big hits. The water just didn't always go to the flowers.

Helena made so many dog friends on our vacation.  Whenever we Skype with anyone we visited, her response IMMEDIATELY after someone answers is "Arfff?  Arfff?"  This is Moses.  At one point I had to explain to Helena that dogs chew on the sticks but kids don't.  From then on she liked to feed them to him.

Baby Caleb is great.  He's got a CUTE smile and such a content demeanor.

When we went out for ice cream, I ordered Helena a toddler cone off the menu.  It was a full-size ice cream cone.  And she ate all of it :)

Mandy, it was so nice to live life with you for a few days.  I can't believe we're both moms!

The trip ended with a "Fashion Makeover in 10 minutes flat" by my nieces.  Don't we look fabulous?

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