Monday, September 23, 2013

Longboat Island Run - for the second time.

Two years ago John & I ran in a 5K race on Toronto Island.  It was John's first running race and he called it a "marathon."


This spring John brought up the race in a conversation with friends and they decided to all run it together.

John had some cute fans cheering him on:

 A quick note from a spectator - I have to just mention all that happened during John's 26:26 run: Benjamin ate and had his diaper changed, the race's bagpiper gave Helena a thorough explanation of how the instrument works, we walked to the other side of the island, had a snack, and Helena fell & skinned up her knee.  It's amazing how much happens with little kids in such a short time!


Anonymous said...

Go John! Gearing up for the Hood to Coast???



Anonymous said...

Errr... I heard that one was like a super-marathon. Running multiple 5k+ marathons over the course of 24 hours? That's crazy!

I think I'll drive instead. :D