Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day

Breakfast was supposed to be delicious XOXO waffles.


But this is how almost all the waffles turned out.  This new recipe obviously won't be used again.

Luckily there was enough waffle that worked to make one x and one o, just enough for the one for whom the XOXO waffles were designed.

The kids and I spent the day playing, cleaning up, reading, coloring, putting umpteen heart stickers everywhere, and helping this little guy walk around the apartment.  Less than a month ago he started to crawl and he's now taking short walks around while pushing his music table.

John came home from work with flowers for me & Helena.  Here's our official 2014 Valentine's Day photo, taken by Helena.

We ended the day with Chocolate Fun-due (as H calls it) and Finding Nemo.  Helena's prayer that night was "Dear God, Could you please make that movie shorter so that I don't have to keep saying 'Is it almost over?' and 'Is it almost over?' and 'Is it almost over?' And thank you for Jesus.  Amen."  (And we only watched half the movie!)

All in all, it was a great day.  It made me very thankful that I have a wonderful family that loves me even when my plans don't go as planned.


Anonymous said...

I'm having a vision of the name of her future business: "The Photographer's Foot." ~BBS

Charlotte and John said...

"The Photographer's Fingers" would also be very appropriate!

The Werners said...

Love it!! I love seeing how kids are changing/shaping us and life. :) Levi spent all day telling people, "Happy Valentimes Day!"