Sunday, January 13, 2013

Helena and Her Babies

Helena is quite the little Mommy.  On Christmas Day she was given a Baby Brianna with a diaper bag, wipes and cream.  She changed Brianna's diapers five or six times before the morning was over!

In the last few days she has started naming her babies.  She now has Brianna, Emma, and Christy - who is named after her Uncle Chris :)

After dinner she brought me a few babies, and I asked her, "Helena, who is your favorite baby?" 
Her answer - "Mommy's baby."

Aah, she's melting our hearts with her words already.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

We're back - with a video!

This blog has been ignored quite a bit in the last couple months.  My first trimester with Baby was not easy, one difficulty being any time on the computer made me extremely nauseous.  With everything else that had to be done on the computer, the blog was easy to ignore.  And then we went back to MN and WI for three wonderful weeks with family and friends!

But now we're back, settling into our great life in Toronto and feeling more than ready to blog again!  What better way to restart than with a video of Helena talking about Christmas.

While this blog post is for everyone, it's especially for you, BBS.  We noticed you weren't at church on the 30th - sorry Helena wasn't there on the 6th for you to see!