Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mr. B

Benjamin is 3 months old today.

He celebrated by rolling over - twice!  Alright Mr. B!

He also sat in the Bumbo for the first time without any help.  He didn't quite know what to think.


Here's a rundown on the little guy:
-still an absolute sweetheart.
-loves to sit, which means when he's propped up yet lying down, he's constantly raising his head and shoulders, trying to sit up.
-falls asleep immediately when snuggled in Mom & Dad's bed, but struggles with naps in his own crib.
-amazing head control, strong legs, and getting good at grabbing onto his play mat toys.
-hasn't gone for his thumb in awhile but boy does he love to suck on his hands!
-can be quite smiley and talkative.
-would rather enjoy being held every moment of the day.
-usually quite content to lie next to his sister when she's playing.
-getting heavy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's so cute! And he looks so long! I can't believe he's three months old already.

-Auntie Katie