Thursday, October 20, 2011

Helena's Latest Activities

I only had to show her this drawer once.  Now she's army crawling into the kitchen and pulling it open all by herself.

Helena was happily playing on the floor one day, so John sat down and started drumming.  She dropped her toys, took the sticks from her dad, and has been loving them ever since.

You can't eat an apple without Helena getting upset.  SHE wants to chew on the apple too!

The underside of the stroller is infinitely interesting. If the stroller is out in the hallway, there's no question where Helena will be.

Helena's Grandma brought this fun Little Mermaid toy with her when she visited a few weeks ago.  The toys in the front are currently getting a lot of attention.

She's always been a good reader, but lately the books on the bed are much more interesting than the book that is being read. 

Bathtime with Daddy and Duckie are the best.  If the tub faucet is running, Helena's on her way to the bathroom!


The Werners said...

WOW! She is growing up so fast. We were away for a week and so I'm enjoying getting caught up on your blog. :)

Our family... said...

So cute! And so much fun, isn't it? I love being a mommy.

Sarah said...

She is so much fun! I love that little girl!