Thursday, March 21, 2013

It is...

Not an avocado scooper, although I like the idea, Greg.
Not a prosthetic arm for a squirrel, BBS - I really hope the world has not come to making those.  Sorry squirrels.

But it is a butter curler!

My dad has one and uses it to make butter curls for major holidays.  This past Christmas, I really wished I had one, to continue to tradition and to make it all a little more festive.  

So when the kitchen store was going out of business, I asked if they had one.  They had that exactly - ONE - and the lady told me I could probably go to 20 kitchen stores and not find one at any of the stores.  I believe it, as the only place I've ever seen one is in my parents' kitchen!

from Wikipedia

Now when you compare my first attempt to the photo above, I obviously have a bit of learning to do.  I need to learn exactly how long to leave the butter in the freezer before curling, and how much pressure and speed to use to get the curls to roll beautifully.  Plus, I totally forgot about dipping the curler in hot water!  But, now we can have our butter curls for Easter.

1 comment:

The Werners said...

Hahaha!!! I was thinking it looked like an instrument of torture and was thinking poor John.