Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal

With all our travels, we've been in a lot of old churches.  Most are, "Wow, that's beautiful" and you move on.  The Basilica of Notre-Dame in Montreal, however, is not one of those.  It was breath-taking on the inside.

The outside is stone but the inside is all carved out of wood.  The wood has been painted with these beautiful deep colors.

The blue lights at the front just make the place feel majestic.  It made both of us immediately think of heaven and what it may look like.

This is the pulpit.  It didn't have a circular staircase like all others we've seen but rather the staircase twisted and turned around and the back.  How would you like to preach in that, Dad?

We had a half hour wait before our tour began, so there was plenty of time to practice our photography. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was there a couple summers ago and could sit all day in Notre Dame. ~ BBS