Saturday, December 21, 2013

Our Smiley Guy

Benjamin is reaching the ripe old age of 6 months, and I'm sorry to sound so cliche-ish but it has gone fast.  Much faster than it did with Helena, probably because there's just not as much time to sit and relish every move he makes.

But boy, do we still enjoy every moment we have with him.  His smile is so infectious, and it's just wonderful how his entire face smiles.

He has figured out how to spin himself in circles on the floor.  This means you can place him on the floor, surround him with toys, and he'll be quite content looking at each toy and moving it around until he can't reach it anymore.  Here's a photo to illustrate what it looks like right before he starts to fuss:

A tooth is coming in, which brings a whole new parental experience to John & me.  For some reason Helena was not bothered by new teeth at all.  So much so that a new tooth would suddenly appear and we weren't even aware it was coming!  This is not how Mr. B is, and that's okay.

But teeth make me sad, as his gummy smile will be gone, which then makes me think of all the fun things he does now that won't last forever.  His cute way of sucking on his bottom lip.  His look of confusion when we hide behind our hands & then his glowing face when we reappear during Peek-a-boo.  Mr. B's most wonderful giggle with an occasional snort.  His joy when in just a diaper, no matter how tired he is.  His love of his sink baths.

His interest in table food started at 4 months, and he's been enjoying his purees for over a month now, with a bit of a break for a bout of Croup.  He loves the food and he loves holding the spoon. 

Six months old and I love my little boy with all my heart and more.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Oh, he is soooo precious! Yes, he is growing and changing so quickly. How I wish I could see him more often. You are definitely blessed with an unusually sweet, happy, very special little boy. (This is, of course, a very objective and unbiased observation.)