Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Perfect Day of Weather Amongst All the Other Days

"Mom, I'm not going to spray him..."

Last Friday was gorgeous.  Gorgeous.  I actually cannot remember another day this entire winter that was even close to as nice as last Friday.

"...I'm just teaching him how to use the spray bottle."

So we headed out to the best place around us to play in lots of snow - the lot where they dump all the snow from the park's roads!  It's a diamond in the rough.


Spray bottles of colored water kept both kids busy - Helena spraying and designing her unicorn horn and Benjamin chasing after them, wherever they rolled.

We even ate our lunch outside!  That's how beautiful the day was.  First picnic of 2014 - March 7!

 In the words of Helena, "I loved this beautiful day!"

1 comment:

The Werners said...

So much fun!! You are an amazing mom! I will have to tuck that coloured water idea away for next year....or our next trip to ON. :) Wish our kids could play together!!