Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Full Day

The fun started today with B eating breakfast like he normally does.  When he finished, I went into the kitchen to get a wet cloth and came back to find him kneeling on top of the table, grabbing a Frosted Mini Wheat from John's bowl that had been left when John went to help H on the toilet.  Turns out I'd neglected to pull the chair out from his high chair, which allowed him to climb right out!

A few minutes later H and I were doing her morning jobs - getting dressed, making her bed, brushing teeth, and combing hair.  Having been asked if she wanted pig tails, braids or a ponytail, she responded "I'd like pink tails because I like pink."  It was an ah-ha moment for me: she LOVES pink, and she almost always wants pig tails; I'd just never noticed her cute pronunciation before.

During B's morning nap, we played hide and seek with H's princesses.  I tried teaching H how to play using "getting hot" and "getting cold," but that was getting us nowhere.  To use her words, "Mommy, I don't like to be hot.....Mama, I don't like to be cold.....Mommy, I don't like to be warm....I like to be just perfect."

This evening John took the kids to the playground.  B was playing inside a little three-sided shelter with benches around the sides, walking around using the benches for support, while H showed John something behind the shelter. John looked in after a minute, and saw that B had climbed up on top of one of the benches without any help and was standing on the bench leaning against the wall!

A full day and a fun day.

1 comment:

Millie said...

Love the description of your day! Helena reminds me so much of the things John used to say at that age. I think all your days are going to be exciting and full once Benjamin decides to walk on his own! :)