I coordinate baby and wedding showers with a few other ladies at church, which means Helena hears about the events. She has been asking - the correct word would be pleading - to attend one with me but they have always been too late in the evening. So when a friend asked me to come over for tea one evening, Helena immediately asked if she could come too.
That night Helena asked if she could dress up for her first Women's Event. As John took a picture of us before we left, she said "Daddy, take lots of pictures, as this is a night you're going to always want to remember."
Melissa turned the evening into a special "Women's Event" for the three of us, with treats and a special teapot and teacup for Helena's orange juice. Helena was great, asking questions as to be involved with the adult conversation (such as "Miss Melissa, is your baby wearing your clothes?" (meaning hand-me-downs or clothes Melissa had purchased). She was also very careful to not interrupt and not talk with food in her mouth. When we left, she asked Melissa if she could come to another Women's Event sometime.
I can't wait to take her to more events, real ones or otherwise.
Oh, she's a precious little lady! And she has an wonderful mommy to make it such a special occasion for her.
WE LOVE HELENA! Love, Bonnie and Clyde
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