Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Daily Life in Toronto

We've been living in the big city for a month and a half now, so I guess our daily life has found a bit of a schedule. Here's what our days look like:

John - Just about every day I go to school. Depending on the day, I either sit on my butt in the library all day, sit on my butt in classes all day, or a combination of both. I'm taking four classes: German, Syntax, Isaiah, and Wisdom Literature. The German class is for graduate students, and it focuses entirely on being able to read German; so Nien, ich spreche nicht deutsch, aber ich lese kleine deutsch. (I'm sure I got that wrong... forgive me.) The Syntax class is in the linguistics department; I've never had a formal class in linguistics, so it is very interesting. Isaiah and Wisdom Lit are more along the lines of classes I usually have. Both are very good. I'm learning a lot. Some days after school I meet Charlotte at the downtown library and we go home together. Other days I go home to find her waiting for me, usually with a fresh batch of cookies or a pie cooling on the table. (That's not true!) Then I spend a few hours playing with my baby. I know, the baby isn't born yet... but you can still play with him/her! We talk to the baby, give him/her zerbetses, etc. Just the other morning we were working on his/her left jab. Charlotte has already taught him/her how to do a flip turn. Brush teethe, sleep, repeat.

Charlotte - Through a friend of a friend I have been hooked up with a tutoring job three evenings a week. It's wonderful! I tutor four Saudi Arabian women in order to prepare them for the IELTS test (the test non-native English speakers must take in order to go to university in Canada - similar to the TOEFL in the U.S.). Besides enjoying the tutoring, I like the excuse to take the subway and to spend time downtown. The other regular activity I have started is attending a Mom's Group one morning a week. It's nice to meet with other believing women. During all the other hours of the week I make my own schedule, and it often includes going to the library, brushing the leaves off our car so they don't stain it, cooking - and occasionally baking, researching baby paraphernalia, reading, watching Regis and Kelly or The View, etc.

That's our life in Toronto so far!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good german, it looked right to me