Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We decided last night at about 9 o'clock to celebrate Thanksgiving with the rest of Canada today. So, the turkey bathed in a sink of cold water over night, waking us every few hours for new water (we figure that was practice for parenting), and I spent today cooking, washing dishes, cooking, and washing dishes. Check out our first ever turkey:

It was delicious and John is an amazing turkey carver.
Here's the spread:

Cranberry sauce, turkey, gravy, stuffing, mixed vegetables, and mashed potatoes

We wish you could have been here
to share it with us!


Anonymous said...

I wish that I could have been there, too. And when Clyde learns that you served turkey AND mashed potatoes, he'll wish that he could have been there, too!

Our family... said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I was just telling my helper about Thanksgiving yesterday... I was trying to explain a Turkey as a big chicken and she said, "A duck?" "A swan?" hahaha.

Wish we could be there with you.

Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... Swan.