Wednesday, June 13, 2012

St. Lawrence Market & Woofstock


St. Lawrence Market was named World's Best Food Market by National Geographic in April.  So, to state the obvious, we had to go.  Lucky for us & Helena, the largest festival for dogs & their owners in North America, Woofstock, was taking place right next door on the same weekend!

The dogs were almost as plentiful as the people.
Helena loved it when this little chihuahua licked her fingers.

The best part of Woofstock was this vizsla, a Hungarian hunting dog, who played fetch with anyone & everyone, but especially little girls.

After this, Helena fell asleep & we surrounded ourselves with delicious food.

Fruits & Vegetables

Fresh Pasta & Sauce

Meat from near & far
(In this picture, you see ostrich, emu, camel, kangaroo &Australian kangaroo - don't ask me the difference between the two!)

Olives galore

Bakeries that reminded us of Paris

Amazing Antipastos

We ate so much delicious food.  Here's the list: the above pasta, a chocolate lava muffin, a fresh fig, a peameal bacon sandwich, cherry bombs (cherry peppers stuffed with feta cheese), a chocolate croissant, a butter tart and samples.  Despite the fact that none of us love pasta, the dish shown above was the best food we had and it was amazing.  Fresh ravioli - and by fresh I mean rolled out and then immediately boiled - with a sauce made up of marinara, alfredo and pesto.  The sauces were not mixed, causing each bite to be a little different.  I will either eat this dish or purchase this dish to eat later every time I go to St. Lawrence Market.  OH SO GOOD.

1 comment:

Lorina said...

I know jealousy and covetousness are wrong, but I am currently wanting access to that yummy food, and I think I am experiencing at least one of those previously mentioned emotions. Can you put some of that yumminess in our package? :)