Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Haircut

For some reason, I had this notion that Helena's first haircut was going to a great opportunity for fun pictures. Well, it wasn't.  She was thrilled to walk into the salon and find all these fun things to sit on, but from the moment the hairdresser walked towards her until the moment we left - with a quick horsey ride in between (during which I had to be at her side) - she was hysterical.

My arms were wrapped around her body with her head on my shoulder for almost the entire haircut, but on my fourth or fifth time of trying to sneak away to take a shot, I made it in time to take the above photo.  Two seconds later Helena was practically falling out of the fire engine trying to get to me.

I apologized to the lady for giving her such a rough time right when the salon opened.  She replied that Helena actually did much better than most kids on their first haircut!  So, for all of you mothers whose kids haven't had their first haircuts yet, you now know to not expect too much.

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