Saturday, August 11, 2012


Hand Foot and Mouth Disease.  It's been ruling our lives for the last couple weeks.  We're not sure where Helena picked it up but she sure got it.  And then John.

It starts with a sudden high fever, then the fever disappears but a rash appears on your feet, your hands, your bum, your elbows, and your knees. Anytime there is pressure put on the rash, it's quite painful. Lesions form in your mouth so it's extremely painful to eat.  You're contagious through all of this, and continue to be so 3-4 days after the rash stops continuing to appear in new places. How it's spread is not entirely known, so you do everything in your power to not spread it.

So you stay at home, away from other people.  That's a long time for you and for an 18 month old to be away from people.  Once your husband starts displaying the signs, you stop all touch between the two of you.  No more sharing a bed, no more hugs, no more having your legs touch while you watch the Olympics.  It surprisingly makes you feel less like a team.

But we only have 36 more hours of our quarantine.  We've almost made it.  I am so glad we're reaching the end.


The Werners said...

NO WAY!!! It's quite rare for adults to get it, but John is a special guy. So sorry guys! Levi had it when he was 5 months and the Dr showed me the pustules in his throat and said, "this is very painful Jemma, medicate freely!" Praying for a release from your quarantine soon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having such a painful time and that you are quarantined. Hope you are all well soon!