Friday, February 8, 2013

Against the Tide

This is an extremely late book review for Bethany Publishers, but here it is anyways.

Lydia Pallas works as a translator for the Navy, and her work involves her with Alexander Banebridge, an unusual man working hard against opium trade.  In doing so, Lydia gradually learns that she is addicted to opium, as she was given Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup in her childhood and has continued to take it for its calming effect as an adult.  This only strengthens her resolve to help Bane in all that his endeavors include...

I rather enjoyed this book.  The story lines of Lydia & her difficult life and Bane's mysterious one are ones that I have never come across before in Christian Romance literature.  While that was enjoyable, what I really liked was learning more about the history regarding opium.  Mrs. Winslow's syrup was a real medicine used with babies and children for years and years!  It was nice to be able to read fiction and yet learn true information.

*Please note that I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a review, but not necessarily a positive one.

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