Monday, February 4, 2013

In Sickness and In Snow

One of my new year's goals is to just get 'er done.  I am SO GOOD at procrastinating, it's embarrassing.  So, this year I'm just doing it.  Part of the goal is to spend less time on the computer, as it is my go-to when I am avoiding, which has made not doing the blog easier.  See, I want to catch us up over the last 4 months in which so much of life I'd like to remember has not be memorialized on Livin' Life, but then here I am once again dragging my feet in writing a simple post about today...

The past week has been different for a few reasons.  All three of us had the flu, each coming down with it two days apart.  John & I were trying to figure out last night what is easier - taking care of Helena when she feels good but we feel awful or when the roles are switched - and we honestly couldn't decide on an answer.  But, thank the Lord, our sick symptoms are almost gone. 

The other reason it's been crazy has been due to the weather.  One day - freezing cold.  Next day - supposed to be 50F but instead it's wet glorious snow.  Third day - cold.  Fourth day - barely need a jacket outside.  Fifth day - back to being frigid.  And so on.

On day 2, Helena & I went out and played in the snow while John fought the flu.

On day 4, John & Helena went and got soaked in puddles while I was in bed.

On day 8 (today), Helena wanted to build a snowman but that's not possible in green grass, so we made one inside.

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