Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Despite having already celebrated Thanksgiving in October, we decided it was well worth it to drive down to Portland in order to celebrate with Charlotte's brother and fam at their new house. It was a great four-day vacation! For some reason we didn't take any pictures on Thanksgiving Day, but Kari did cook a beautiful and delicious meal. Much of her family also came over, so it was a real party.

The next day we headed downtown to watch the Christmas Parade. Here are Kari and Emma riding the MAX.

After the parade we headed into the Gorge. The Oregon side of the Columbia River has the most waterfalls in a single area in North America - 77! Of course we stopped at Multnomah Falls.

We also took a short jaunt into the woods and saw Ponytail Falls. Do you see John in the picture?

For those of you who are Tony Hawk fans, we also visited Burnside Skate Park. It was built, without permission from the authorities, by skateboarders under the Burnside bridge. This skate park is supposedly one of the most challenging in the U.S. and is featured in the first Tony Hawk video game. Very cool.

Oh, and look who did some shopping on Black Friday!


Our family... said...

It looks like a great trip! I'm glad you got to go. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to visit. We hope you'll come back soon! Emma misses you :)

Sarah said...

Emma is soooo CUTE! Looks like a wonderful thanksgiving for you guys!
By the way, check my blog - You have been tagged. (welcome to the world of blogging) :-)