Sunday, January 4, 2009

Number Two

(From the picture below it appears as though my right eye is injured, but it's actually my left. Our computer's web-cam, with which we took this picture, flips pictures.)

A couple of you have asked how my face is doing. The wounds around my right eye have healed nicely. I have 2 one-centimeter long scars below my eyebrow, and I think that they will gradually disappear. The burns have healed. So that part of my face is doing well.

My left eye, however, isn't faring so well. Tonight we went sledding with friends from church at a golf course. Now you'd think a golf course would not be a good place for sledding... but don't forget that we live in BC. There were quite a few sizable hills at this course. The one we utilized even featured a ridge.

Eight of us decided to make a train of one toboggan and three magic carpets. We started down the hill, hit the ridge, flew (and I'm not exaggerating) four feet, and crashed. My head collided with the head in front of me and the goose-egg you see above tells the rest of the story.

And yes, it's still snowing.

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