Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Full-fledged Adult

He's 25!

He started the day off with not one but two long johns!

At our church, birthdays are printed in the bulletin,
so everyone wished John happy birthday. Some of our friends
invited us out to Montana's to celebrate - partially for the food
and partially for the funny moose hat John would have to wear!

Doesn't he look great?
Personally, I was hoping it would be more embarrassing.

John really wanted a malt for his birthday dessert, so later
in the afternoon we went to Marble Slab Creamery.
He also opened a present there - a Michael Jackson CD!

He had requested Green Curry Chicken for his birthday lunch,
so we had that for dinner instead. Can you imagine how full we are?
But it was a great day celebrating John!


Sarah said...

Wow ~ Looks like an awesome birthday! Love the hat. Charlotte - did you make that dinner?!?!?! Looks incredible. I hope you share the recipe! :)

Our family... said...

Happy Birthday John! Looks like tons of fun... I can't believe how young you are... you are in your mid 20s and we are pushing 30. Wow... we still love you, though.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday John, you Canadian!
p.s. swoms was the word I have to type for the word verification on this comment. I am displeased at the lack of trust you have in your readers to make them submit a word verification.

John, Renee, Levi, and Emerson said...

Happy Belated Birthday John!