Thursday, June 18, 2009

An Observation

"The first time I hear Backstreet Boys, I fall in love with pop music."

My Level 1 students recently gave presentations answering the question, "What is your favorite kind of music?" That was how one student started his. Isn't it a great introduction?

Many of my students shared that pop music is their favorite. It made me start thinking about how other people I know would answer that question. Very few would say pop. Rarely do you get in someone's car and watch them turn on the pop radio station or put in a CD of pop music. Yet how is it that the biggest, most popular radio stations play pop? Who is listening?

A male twenty-year old Chinese student began his speech with the above quote. Two Saudi males in their early 20s shared that the Backstreet Boys is their favorite band. While I hid my smile, I wondered, "Are there many North Americans who are actually undercover Backstreet Boys fans?"

Oh, and I'll admit it. I like pop music.

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