Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Annual October Visit

Tradition, tradition!

A much loved song in our household! John's mother has told me that she had to be extremely careful to do anything new when John was little because he & his brother would announce it was tradition and his mother had to do it that way from then on. Since we've moved so much since we got married, we ourselves haven't been very good at starting traditions. However we were excited to have John's dad start a tradition for us: his annual October visit!

He was here two weekends ago - you know, the weekend with the Packers vs. Vikings game and the World Series. We spent lots of time watching sports and playing cards. The sunshine on Saturday did call us outside, and we went east to Cultus Lake. I absolutely loved how the path was COVERED with leaves.

Being in the Northwest the leaves were damp, so no crunching...
but who cares? There were so many!

Below shows you what a lot of trees look like in the parks.
The moss is incredible.

A macro shot for you.

The view of Cultus Lake from the top of Teapot Hill

While I worked on Monday, John & TomDad went to Vancouver. They toured around like they like to. The funny thing? They went shopping for boating supplies!


Unknown said...

So, now you made a good tradition for you...^^
Thanks for the cultus lake view.

Sarah said...

Awesome photos! I wish I could start a traditional visit! :)