Sunday, November 29, 2009

Proud & Strong Supporter

Our Sunday School memory verse today was Acts 17:25b in the NIV:

He himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.

The lone male first grader asked,

"Does He give that to girls too?"

Yes, most definitely yes.

THIS is why I am a proud & strong supporter of the TNIV.


Adventures with Claire, Jason, and Jonas!! said...

Hey Guys! How are you? Just wanted to say hello from Jason and Claire Olson (and Jonas too) it's been a long time! It was fun to find your blog...sounds like you are enjoying life out on the coast!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you are a supporter of the TNIV. So am I! I am going to save your story for future reference.

(Bonnie told me that you would know who I am.)