Saturday, March 6, 2010

Table Topics

We've been using our Table Topics cube lately at dinner. What is that? It's a series of cards with a conversation starting question on each one. Ethan & Anika gave it to us for Christmas, and it really has generated good talks. Tonight's wasn't super serious:

Would you prefer money for a housekeeper, cook, gardener, or personal secretary?

John reasoned that a gardener would be no good, as part of the enjoyment of gardening is doing it yourself. His wife likes to cook, so he wouldn't want a different one. A housekeeper would be nice but he decided to go for the personal secretary. He wouldn't miss any appointments and he wouldn't have any lists lying around anymore. Plus, he wouldn't have to make phone calls!

None of the options sounded right for me. Personal secretary - no need. Cook - no thanks. Gardener - I like to do it. Housekeeper - I'm afraid that would be nice but it would allow me to be more messy, and that would not be good. So, I chose a clothes hanger-upper! Now that's someone I would appreciate.

What would you choose? Why?


Mandy said...

I would choose the cook. I don't like cooking like I thought I would like cooking. I also never know what to cook or what to buy at the grocery store. I would rather just eat a roll of cookie dough or open a bag of chips. That's not healthy so I wish that I not only had a cook but a cook who knows how to cook healthy.

Our family... said...

Can I have a nanny? Not just a babysitter, but someone good with kids... to play, teach, calm down, etc...

anika said...

think of all the time i could spend playing with my kids, and making yummy food if i didn't have to scrub toliets, floors, and vacuum. also, i hate putting sheets on the beds... sigh. in my dreams!