Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The City of Victoria

Let's get back to British Columbia basics.

The blue peg is where we live.
The red peg is the city of Vancouver.
The island to the west of Vancouver is Vancouver Island.
The green peg is the city of Victoria.

Do you feel knowledgeable?

Here's a bit more for your noggin. Vancouver Island is near the San Juan islands in Washington. Victoria is the capitol of British Columbia and is a city that is described as being British.

Now that you are geographically intelligent about this area of North America, read on. We went to Victoria this past weekend because John was presenting a paper at the Regional SBL Conference. To get to Vancouver Island, you take a ferry.

Victoria is most famous for the following:

Butchart Gardens

Tea, High Tea, Tea Shoppes, Tea You-Fill-in-the-Blank

The Empress Hotel

Parliament at Night

What I did with my friend Sam while the others were at the conference:

Climbed Mount Finlayson, where at the top you can see Victoria, the mainland (what I'm pointing to), the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, and the far-reaching Pacific Ocean

Took part in a protest at the Capitol against Norwegian Salmon Farms

A should-be major highlight of any trip to Victoria:

A walk along the huge jetty in the Juan de Fuca Strait
(Olympic Mountains in the background)

Wow, now you know a lot about Victoria!

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