Friday, May 27, 2011

A Favorite Time of the Day

Helena's crib is about a foot and a half from my side of the bed. I wouldn't want it any other way, especially in the morning. Here's the current morning routine.

1. I wake up to the sound of suck, suck, suck, suck, suck...

2. As I reach for my glasses, the sucking is interrupted with a pause here and there.

3. I put on my glasses and see someone staring intently at me:

4. I smile - who wouldn't?

5. Helena either smiles back or continues to suck her thumb.

6. As I get out of bed I hear a short shriek and little feet pounding on a mattress.

7. A sweet girl with big grins greets me from the crib.



Anonymous said...

They couldn't be any better . . .
Love, Bonnie

Sonia said...

Aww, it makes me happy just to know you two get to see each other first thing in the morning. :)

Also, I love the new look of your blog!

Sarah said...

So sweet!