Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Reminder of Venice

St. Mark's Square in Venice had one thing that really intrigued me.

It wasn't the beautiful architecture of the Byzantine Basilica.

It wasn't the fact that in certain areas everyone walked on raised walkways due to flooding.

No, it was the sheer number of pigeons. I can honestly say that the pigeon is one animal I wish did not exist. They're simply gross. And what was crazy in St. Mark's was some people covered themselves in bread crumbs (I'm guessing there) and then would walk into the pigeons. The birds would then land ALL OVER THEM and then pictures would be taken. No, these people were not paid to do this; they were tourists. And they wanted a picture of themselves covered in pigeons. SO DISGUSTING.

Well, I got pooped on by a pigeon today. Yuck.


Anonymous said...

YUCK is right! Love, Bonnie

Kay said...

Gross. It could of been worse.

Charlotte and John said...

You're right Kay, it could have been worse. It could have landed on my face OR it could have landed on Helena's head!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, TOO funny! YICK!