Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall Leaves Fall

Helena LOVES reading.  She happily sits in our laps while we read book after book after book to her.  Of course, she does that when the books are ones that interest her, as some definitely do not.  One book that never fails to capture her attention is Fall Leaves Fall.

Today we decided to enjoy the gorgeous weather by going out to Queen's Park and letting Helena do just what the boys do in the book - play in those leaves!

 There were so many dry crispy ones.

Helena did lots of inspecting in order to determine which kind of leaf each was.

As you can see, it was so much fun!

Our time in the park also provided ample opportunity to get on those hands and knees.  No crawling yet but she's trying hard to figure it out.  She's concentrating so hard her tongue is sticking out!

1 comment:

The Werners said...

I see trouble crawling your way! Enjoy your last days of a kid that stays in one place and get your running shoes ready. :)