Monday, February 20, 2012

Decorating the home from the home

We've been making our home little by little since October. Projects have included sewing curtains for the two bedrooms, painting Helena's room, selling and buying a few things on Craigslist, getting a shelf for the big closet, putting our CDs on iTunes and then getting rid of them, and putting up decor.

For Helena's room I recovered a photo memory board with the same fabric as her quilt from her Nani.

The old look from my college days:

Some of the fabric in the quilt:

The new board:

One household item we did need to buy was another lamp so John & I could both read in bed. We walked out of our apartment one day and what was sitting next to the recyclables but a Tiffany lamp! John quickly placed it inside our door and we went off to church, but when we got home he scrubbed it up and look how beautiful it is now:

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