Tuesday, July 31, 2012


One thing that has surprised me about living on the 14th floor of a 20-story building is that you normally don't hear the rain.  There have been a good handful of times when it has started raining outside & I've been unaware of it. 

From our experience, rain typically falls straight in downtown Toronto, so we don't hear it hitting the windows.  We're up so high that a good steady rain hitting the ground can't be heard, and there are 6 floors above us, so we don't hear it from above.  We have huge windows in our living room, and since our view is another apartment building across the street, we can't see the rain falling.  It's a curious thing.

However, if it's a good hard rain, we do hear the traffic going through the puddles :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could ask the people in the apartment across from you to set up a good strong fan blowing your direction so that the rain would hit your window. Or get a humidity-sensitive rainfall app on your ipod! ~BBS (p.s. Your birth-family was created so I would have the most awesome people to tease!)