Monday, February 1, 2010

Fish February

The first month has come and so my culinary attention has turned to fish. Do you have a fish recipe that you love? Do you have a cooking tip that deals with seafood? If you do, please email me or comment here. I'm hoping to learn not only from books and the internet but also from friends & family!


Anonymous said...

I WISH that I knew how to cook FISH! ("I'm a poet and I don't know it!" - to quote my dad.)

Unknown said...

John - Here's a very easy salmon recipe Molly and I use a lot.

Put two fillets on a oiled cookie sheet
In a sauce pan heat 1/2 cup maple syrup and a 1/4 cup soy sauce until smooth.
Brush some of the sauce over the fish and put under the broiler for a few minutes - maybe 5-6??
Brush on more sauce just before you eat it.

Goes well with asparagus, brown rice and a roll:)

Our family... said...

Hey you,
You could could tuna the way Franklin does...
Buy a can of tuna in oil... put the oil from the can in a frying pan... fry up some onions, tomatoes, spinach, cabbage or whatever veggies you have around, pop in the tuna and stir... after a bit you can add a package of ramen noodles... don't let them get too mushy. Then you can eat that over rice...
At least that is how I think he does it. :) You can always email him for the details.
My favorite tuna recipe is a tuna sandwich. Mom used to make it with pickle relish... and if I remember correctly you like pickle relish. :)

Anonymous said...

I have no clue how to cook fish, so I'm hoping to learn from you! I've heard grilling salmon in a George Foreman is good. How's that for gourmet???
- katie