Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas in MN

The last three weeks have been a wonderful blur - we started out in Minnesota with John's fam, then in Portland with my fam, and then I traveled to New Jersey to visit my friend Mandy. Three weeks of vacation with only three days at home is what it turned out to be. It was great!

Here are photos of our time in MN:

The one thing John said he wanted to do in the Midwest was go sledding with his nieces and nephews. We had a great time with Sophia & Dillon.

What a smile!

John's dad and Lynda recently bought horses who now live in their backyard.

Ethan & Anika gave their girls a kitten for Christmas. Is her name Whiskers, Mittens, or Whiskers Mittens now?

One of my favorite memories is making these puppets with Anamarie and then putting on a puppet show with her.

Christmas Eve, resting with full stomachs before the gift extravaganza.

Sarah, Jonathan, Sophia, Dillon, and Jack on Christmas Eve

I don't know who enjoyed Anamarie's magic markers more, Anamarie or Millie.

A Merry Christmas was had by all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you had a WONDERFUL time in MN!