Saturday, January 23, 2010


"Canadians all live in igloos!" It's a joke in the U.S., but Canadians actually use the joke when talking about how ignorant Americans are about Canada. So in case you didn't know, there are very few Canadians that live in igloos - and certainly none that live near the border where most Canadians live.

However, we ate lunch in an igloo today.

We were at Mount Seymour snowshoeing and right around lunchtime we came upon an igloo! It had probably been built as a winter campsite since there were a few down feathers inside, but it worked really well as our own personal lunch cafe - it even had a skylight!

Snowshoeing was great. The first half was busy with people snowshoeing, telemark skiing, and crampon walking. Then we reached the backcountry section and it all changed. Most often it was just the two of us surrounded by trees and snow.

By the time we turned around, the only thing we could really see was an orange-painted bamboo pole 10 feet ahead of us marking the trail. When we got to that pole, we'd be able to see another one. The rest of what we could see is easy to describe - white. The white was so pretty yet at the same time so mysterious. It was a lot of fun to go somewhere you normally can't go in the winter.


John, Renee, Levi, and Emerson said...

We live in igloos in AK too! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice Igloo!