Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas in Oregon

Before John & I headed off to MN for Christmas, we had a day in Portland with Eric, Kari, Emma & Katie. Were we ever surprised when what did we find after knocking on the door but Emma standing there with a cast on her arm! Despite having fallen off a chair and getting a cast put on that morning, though, she was more than ready to make spritz cookies with her Auntie Katie...

We tried to teach her how to wink, but this was about as close as she got. Who cares, though. What a cutie!

One of the days in Portland was spent by a) the young guys going downhill skiing and b) the rest of us going to the science museum and eating sushi. Well, all my dad really ate was a chocolate eclair after he found out they were out of the beef soup, but at least we got him into a sushi restaurant! The science museum was displaying Samson, a quite complete T-Rex skeleton.

While Emma, Mom & Kari were busy playing with flubber at the museum, the other three of us took off for a tour of a submarine used between 1960-1990 (er, something like that).

The tour was really cool. As you can see in below, the bunks were stacked in threes. It was a squeeze to get in! Our tour guide told us that during World War II, five bunks were stacked on top of each other. I can't even see how it was possible.

Take a look at the photo below. What do you see?

If your answer is a torpedo and a foot, you're correct. This was the torpedo room, the most highly desired bunk room of them all. Some crew members got to sleep above the torpedos every night. Everyone wanted these bunks because there was more head room and the room was quieter.

Family friends, the Pennings, came to visit for a few days. We traveled up a mountain to visit a famous mansion, and while going up, enjoyed the beautiful snow that was falling.

An hour later, the snow was not so wonderful. As we were on top of a mountain in a place where many people don't know how to drive in the snow and we didn't have chains, let's just say it took us four hours to drive about 10 miles. It was NOT something we'd like to repeat.

A favorite activity in Portland - reading and singing to Emma before naptime or bedtime. Her favorite book: Once Upon a Potty. Her favorite topic the entire week, The Potty.

Another favorite - Wii golf.

A random shot during the week. Notice Rob's feet sticking out in front!

The Fam