Tuesday, June 14, 2011

30 Days of Photography

I'm involved in a Photography Challenge with a good friend in British Columbia. It's been a lot of fun. We have a designated photo of our kids that we're supposed to take each day in June. I'm learning more about our camera and capturing moments of Helena's life that wouldn't have been photographed otherwise.

The number of photos I take everyday, however, has skyrocketed. I'm on a mission to get one good picture that meets the day's specifications but of course lots of other cute ones get taken...so here are a few for you to enjoy.

a picture featuring an outfit

black & white
(doesn't she kind of look like an old man watching the nightly news?)

a photo taken from a high angle
(no, we did not purchase the sunglasses)

a photo taken from a distance

a photo edited with the camera (Color Accent used)

a photo that was supposed to be focused on the eyes

What do you do to pare down the digital photos you keep of your children?


The Werners said...

I have the same problem, so many pictures! We joke that when Levi moves out we'll just hand over an external hard-drive of his pictures. :) Thanks for sharing these out-takes!

Sarah said...

She's getting so big!!! Don't pare them down - I say just keep them all! :)