Friday, June 17, 2011


I love it when people recommend books or movies. Otherwise I go to the library, randomly pick something off the shelf, and half the time don't read/watch it. So since I've enjoyed some good ones lately, I thought I'd share.

About World War II
1) Sarah's Key - this book was recommended here by a friend. Check out what she said - it made me interested!
2) Katyn - In 1940 the Soviets took 12,000+ Polish officers and killed them despite not being at war with Poland. The Soviets refused to admit it happened until the 1990s. This movie tells this tragic story from the perspective of those left behind. (note: the movie is in Polish with English subtitles)

About Geisha
1) Memoirs of a Geisha - if you haven't read this book yet, you really need to. It provides a peek into the world of a Geisha through incredible writing. My older brother actually recommended this to me years ago!

2) Memoirs of a Geisha - maybe the book doesn't interest you but the movie does. This is one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. The costumes, the sets, the cinematography - wow.
3) Geisha, A Life - this biography tells the true story of the best geisha in the 1960s. Not only does this book tell of the immense work it takes to be a geisha but it also corrects many of the incorrect beliefs of what being a geisha is all about.

Do you have any to recommend to me?


Joan McKinnon said...

I have read "Sarah's Key," and highly recommend it. It is a story based on truth of the Nazi occupation in France.

I really liked, "Memoirs of a Geisha," you may enjoy, "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan." A story by Lisa See, I thought it was a very good read.

Also, have you read,"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?" This book was a little edgy and has a long informational introduction but once the story got moving, I thought it was good...there are a number of sequels to it as well.

Finally, these books are youth novels, but have you ever read the books "Touching Spirit Bear," "Holes," "The Captain's Dog," or "Walk Two Moons?" They are some of my favorites that I can think of, off the top of my head...and all of them great stories.

Happy reading!

Charlotte and John said...

Thanks for the recommendations Joan. I have read the book "Holes" and it was great. All the other books are new to me, though, so it sounds like I have some good reading ahead of me!

Anonymous said...

You seem to have a Geisha fixation. I would recommend books and movies but I know that you would find the too graphic and wouldn't understand how they can be enjoyable.

Charlotte and John said...

Hey Anonymous, please do recommend something for me. Sometimes I am surprised at what I like!