Sunday, November 14, 2010


This fictional novel, set in the 17th century, tells the story of a Portuguese priest who travels to and in Japan to search for a father who is rumored to have committed apostasy. Christianity had been welcomed in Japan years earlier, when the father had been extremely successful in his ministry, but the power holders had changed, and extreme persecution was now occurring. Through his experience, the priest learns/questions much about God, apostasy, what Jesus would have done, Judas, true faith, and more.

This book is gripping and thought-provoking to say the least. My brother-in-law recommended it to me four years ago and I didn't read it until this month. Don't wait as long as I did to pick it up!


Anonymous said...

Who is reading this book, John or Charlotte?

Charlotte and John said...

It was Charlotte who was reading the book. Sadly, John may never read the book due to his wife already telling him almost the entire thing.