Monday, August 22, 2011

Roasted Chicken in a CrockPot

This past week's challenge was for an entree. I wanted a recipe for something that was easy and that would be used over & over again. How about roasting a chicken in the CrockPot? It turned out beautifully; the meat fell off the bones as I was lifting the chicken out! If you're interested, click here for more info.

Using this recipe has inspired me to challenge myself in a new way. I've really been missing my Monthly Menus but have been wanting to do something different. And since our CrockPot does take up a bit of room in our little kitchen...

I'm going to use the slow cooker for one meal a week until the end of 2011. Hopefully I'll end up with some delicious easy meals. If you have any recipes to share, I'd love them. Check back in if you are interested in using your own CrockPot more too!


The Werners said...

Yeah for crockpot!! I try and use mine every Thursday. I'll get back to you with some of our favorite recipes. :) I'm excited to try out this chicken recipe this week.

The Werners said...

Delicious! I ended up starting it too early so it cooked for 6hrs on low, so the white meat was a little dry but it was delicious. I used fresh thyme and some lime juice. My sister-in-law commented that the carrots were "infused with flavor". Thanks for a great recipe!

Sarah said...

Oh yeah! I would love any crock-pot recipes you try and like. . . It is a treat when I can use my crock-pot. Makes afternoons so much easier. I have a few favorite crock-pot recipes that I should send you.