Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Village of St. Jacobs

With our days of owning a car dwindling down to just a few, a fellow mom & I decided to take a road trip to a town that is heavily Amish and that has an amazing market.

So we packed up the girls and drove an hour and a half to St. Jacobs County. As soon as we drove into the village, we saw two horse-drawn carriages with Amish families inside. Now I love my life but sometimes a life like that does look quite appealing.

Anyways, the market was SO impressive. Stand after stand had beautiful products that I wanted to buy.

Since we're only two adults, I limited my purchases to peaches, corn on the cob, cantaloupe, cabbage, green onions (that were a foot-and-a-half long), and bread. I wish I could have bought tomatoes, nectarines, cherries, homemade caramel rolls, green beans, watermelon, yellow plums (anybody had them before?), patty pan squash, and about a gazillion other things. Sometimes I just wish I could eat all day long!


The Werners said...

So fun! I love all the colors. What's happening with your car??

Charlotte and John said...

We're selling it! We're moving to downtown Toronto in a month and it'll be too expensive to keep. Plus, we rarely use it!