Monday, August 8, 2011

Toronto IS on the way!

Since we're a 16-20 hour drive away from our immediate extended family (What are we supposed to call our siblings and parents now? What does that make our aunts, uncles and cousins?), one would think we don't get many just-passing-through visitors. Which is true, kind of. However, we are blessed with a large international airport and friends & family that travel! So we saw friends last August & December, my sister Katie in June while she was on a layover to Rome and on Saturday we saw my cousin Rev on his way back from Germany.

Isn't he TALL? He was the youngest cousin for a long time, so when you haven't seen him for 4 1/2 years, you just don't expect to need to stand on your tippie toes in order to give him a hug! We had a nice afternoon together - it was fun to teach him how to hold a baby and then to hear him talking to Helena in German.

Rev, you kept thanking us for spending our Saturday with you. There's no other way we would have rather spent it! If you ever fly through again - or if any of you blog readers fly through - please let us know. We'll show you around or at least feed you meal!

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